At First baptist Madill, we have a simple goal: To Help People Find And Follow Jesus! I have been the pastor at FBC since August 2013 and that is just what we have been doing since then…and before I arrived in Madill! FBC has a history of helping people discover God’s plan for their life and then find a place to serve so others can make this same discovery.
When you come to join us for the first time, you will find we are an energetic and yet laid back congregation, which we like to refer to as the “First-Family!” We are conservative in our theology and creative in our practices while growing as disciples and helping each other do the same. We are backwards from most other churches in that we have “Big Church,” as we used to call it, at 9:00am and Sunday School/Small Groups at 10:30am! This is GREAT because it gives us a chance to meet together, first, each Sunday!
During the service you will get to do what you were created for and that is to worship the LORD! The FBC Worship Band will lead us to the throne of God and then I will share with you a biblical message that will both, encourage and challenge you to be more like Jesus! I hope you will come early for the Worship Service and join us for a cup of coffee and a snack at the Coffee Corner!
No matter what your Christian background or understanding is, you will be able to find your place because we have people from all walks of life, age ranges and life stages! Two things are for sure…you will be glad you joined us and so will we!