March 14
This is the event your Student wants to be at! Thee Nation is an open arms event where our four Tribes (Small group: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow) come together to have one EPIC weekend! This year we will be competing in Tribal Games, joining in three separate break outs, and going to OKC to the prestigious Winter Jam, a concert of multi-talented artists join together to praise Jesus!
Things you will need:
Air mattress/cot/blank and pillows – your choice on how you sleep, FBC has limited air mattresses.
Casual clothes for Friday and Saturday and nice clothes for Sunday morning!
No money required – Registration pays for all food and tickets over the weekend.
Bring money only if you plan to purchase band merchandise from Winter Jam.
Bible, Journal, and Pen required. If you have none one will be supplied.
March 16
Connecting with people who are new to FBC in order to build friendships and answer questions about FBC, its ministries and opportunities to help them find their place at FBC!
March 18
Tuesday Prayer is an opportunity to pray for special needs. FBC has experienced God answering prayers in numerous and miraculous ways! We believe prayer makes a difference! Tuesday Prayer schedule: 6:00-6:15 (Personal Prayer) 6:15-6:30 (Intercessory Prayer for others) 6:30-6:45 (Prayer Cards filled out by others) 6:45-7:00 (Prayer requests of those in attendance).
March 30
Whether you have a K-5th, a 6-8th, or a 9-12th grader March 30th is the day to remember! We will be releasing Children’s and Student Ministry summer calendars! Don’t miss because those who make it will receive an event free of charge!
March 30
God has truly blessed us at FBC with tremendous facilities. Spring Clean is where we invest some time to make sure God’s house is in good shape and ready for people to experience the Lord when they are on the campus.
9:00am - Worship Service
10:30am - Small Groups
6:00pm - Wednesday Bible
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