REVIVAL: Keith Wiginton, Jr.
April 7
April 7
April 11
Camp Doug is for all 4th— 5th grade boys and girls. We leave on the 11th and return on the 12th. This is a fun weekend getaway for them to learn about Jesus.
April 12
The Clothing House is open the second Saturday of each month from 9-11am and is fully staffed with volunteers from FBC who will hep you find articles of clothing from shorts and t-shirts to jeans, shoes and coats depending on what you need and the season of the year. The volunteers are there to not only assist in meeting material needs but also to pray with, encourage and share the hope of Jesus, because after all, that’s why we do what we do. We love because He first loved us!
April 12
Come join us as we learn how to share the Gospel to our community and to the world! At FBC Madill, we love helping people find and follow Jesus!
April 16
This is our annual Easter Play, where our kids act out the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection.
April 25
This is a time when the men of the church or outside the church gather together and listen to a message directed toward being the men that God has called us to be. Plus, we get to have some fun when we do it. We get to shoot clay pigeons and tanerite, fish for trout, and play dodgeball. There is an event for everyone.
April 27
The I-Mission Dessert Auction is where we auction off cakes to raise money for the mission we are carrying out throughout the year.
April 27
Connecting with people who are new to FBC in order to build friendships and answer questions about FBC, its ministries and opportunities to help them find their place at FBC!
May 1
9:00am - Worship Service
10:30am - Small Groups
6:00pm - Wednesday Bible
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